When Disaster Strikes

Fires raze through properties quickly, leaving extensive damage in their wake. Dealing with these damages requires knowledgeable actions and an effective approach. This is exactly why you should always contact professionals that you can trust to team up with you.

Fire eats up the structure of a property and other personal belongings, reducing them to soot, ash, and smoke. When this damage is not immediately tackled, it can lead to more concerning damages that will compromise the state of the property further.

Have you recently experienced fire damage on your home or business property? S&S Restoration offers in-depth and comprehensive fire restoration services to return the damaged property to pre-loss condition.

Handling The Aftermath Of A Fire Incident

Although fire incidents occur without warning, being aware of what to do as a property owner is essential in restoration. Knowing what to do after a fire disaster plays a role in helping you return your properties to pre-loss condition. 

Some steps you can take after suffering a fire incident include the following:

  • Assess the situation with experts to determine if it is safe to stay on the property
  • Make a property inventory 
  • Recover as much salvageable property as you can
  • Look out for and mark potential hazards to prevent electrical and tripping accidents
  • If safe, open windows to get rid of as much of the choking smell as you can.
  • Contact an emergency restoration company as soon as you can.

Acting fast is key to salvaging a property that is damaged by fire. When you need all hands on deck to restore your property after a fire incident, our experts at S&S Restoration are the ones to call.

Saving Your Property One Step At A Time

After suffering a fire incident, your main goal becomes restoring as much health to your properties as you can. To do this, you need expert help, equipment, and guidance.

At S&S Restoration, we specialize in cleaning up fire damage to properties and personal belongings. Our fire restoration services are tailored to eliminate as much damage to your property caused by a fire as we can.

Our team comprises experts and professionals who work tirelessly to offer deep-cleaning services following a fire. From smoke to soot and water control, some steps we take to restore your property after a fire include:

Emergency Contact

The first step in restoration begins with dispatching our experts to your location following contact. Our customer service is available 24/7 and always on the seat to take emergency calls.

Assessing Fire Damage

We arrive at the property to inspect the extent of damage caused by flames and smoke. We note every damage and use this to create a restoration plan suitable for your properties.

Board-Up And Roof Tarp Services

By professionally installing boards on damaged windows and tarps on the roof, we protect your property from further damage. This extra layer of protection also ensures that we provide your property with the security it needs pending other restoration processes.

Debris Removal

A fire incident leaves debris, such as damaged property, in its wake. We handle the collection of this debris and leave the area clean.

Water Extraction

Fire damage often brings water damage with it. This water damage is usually a result of firefighting efforts. We begin immediate water removal to prevent additional water damage to properties.

Smoke And Soot Removal

Using industry-standard practices and equipment, we effectively eliminate signs of smoke and soot on the property.

Cleaning And Sanitizing

We salvage redeemable properties and gather extremely damaged ones. We clear, sort, clean, park, restore, move, and store the affected properties as necessary.


We repair and reconstruct the affected areas of the damaged structure.

Why Should You Choose Us?

Fire damage can be disastrous to any property and stressful to any property owner. After fire incidents, it is easy to wonder if your home will ever be the same or if your business will return to normal. 

Although the aftermath of a fire can look bleak and discouraging, our experts at S&S Restoration offer the help you need to return to life as you know it. Our incomparable service includes:

24/7 Response

Because fire incidents come without warning, we take no days off to be here when you need us. Our Customer Care Center is reachable daily, every day, and we will respond swiftly.

Expert Specialists

Our fire and water restoration specialists are professionals with years of experience. We are highly trained and armed with state-of-the-art equipment to get the job done effectively.

#1 In The Industry

With several years of experience, we are a leading company in the fire damage restoration industry.

Seamless Insurance Process

We will team up with you to maneuver the insurance claims process and make the experience entirely stress-free.

Get The Fire Restoration Solution You Need With S&S Restoration

Working with expert professionals as determined as you are to return your property to pre-loss damage is key in fire restoration. At S&S Restoration, we understand how difficult it is to navigate the aftermath of a fire incident. This is why we are dedicated to offering effective, efficient, and timely fire restoration services to return your property to pre-loss condition.

Do you need emergency fire restoration services? Contact us to begin the restoration process.